Voices (song)


& Nathalie

VOICES is published on Franklin's first Album BOOMERANG
(launch July 2016, SmilingOne Publishing)

Inspiration for the song: In his years inside prison Franklin decided that he wanted to give himself the opportunity to experience freedom again. He prepared himself for what he would one day meet on the outside, doing all sorts of sports, choir, live performances, joined numerous clubs and doing studies.

For most of the prison population it was unusual to see a guy involved in a lot of activities. Thus followed criticism, jealousy, envy, fights, arguments and stuff Franklin doesn't speak about. It was tough living into being his own choices in a world where you have to follow the masses.

The VOICES he heard each and every day, what people said about him started to get to him. He could not ignore them anymore. He realised that he was becoming noisy inside.

He knew he had to liberate himself

This is how his song VOICES came alive. 

"I am my own VOICE." 
"I am the difference I would like to see."  

Franklin (aka Frank-E) is a SmilingOne Change Agent. He met SmilingOne inside prison in 2009 and attended the values-based leadership program The Responsible Individual (TRI) - he opened himself to a different way of reintegrating with a deep understanding of his inner being. Today he has journeyed 7+ years with SmilingOne, he runs the parolee & reintegration portfolio, he brings TRI inside prison and assists other inmates awakening to a much broader 'highway of life' AND he has founded the CMD Project (Central Music District) offering a Journey of Sound to youth-at-risk.


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